Annual Report – UMBC COEIT

UMBC (University of Maryland Baltimore County) is a public research university integrating teaching, research and service to benefit the citizens of Maryland. As an Honors University, the campus offers academically talented students a strong undergraduate liberal arts foundation that prepares them for graduate and professional study, entry into the workforce, and community service and leadership. The College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) at UMBC is dedicated to research, innovation, and education. The College works in partnership with state and federal agencies and industry to promote the transfer of research applications that benefit society.

Michael Palmer, the Assistant Dean of Finance, contracted me to create their annual report for both 2019 and 2020, among other design projects. The reports are full-color printed, saddle-stitched, 8×10 inches, use the university’s branding and color palette, showcase the college’s students, faculty, and staff, and are mailed to college stakeholders. The college also publishes a full PDF version of the annual report each year, which you can find on the UMBC COEIT About Us page.

Client: Michael Palmer, UMBC COEIT

© Jen Kristen Taylor // March 2022