Growth, Not Perfection Journal

Growth, Not Perfection, LLC, is a lifestyle brand for women whose mission is to encourage women to grow throughout every stage of their lives. One of the primary products the brand has created is its journal, which emphasizes growth throughout the year using the metaphor of a flower developing from seed to bloom. For this project, visionary and managing member Antieris Johnson reached out to me for the layout of the journal and for photography of the printed product to use on the brand’s website and social media. I have included a selection of those photos here, but you can learn more about the journal and purchase it at, or by visiting their Instagram.

The journal includes prompts and quotations to inspire creativity and thought. One of the details that makes this journal unique is the testimonial sections from women of all ages who provide heartfelt and moving reflections into their own growth. Because these testimonials are so personal, I suggested that we include the signatures of each woman who contributed one, which I think gives the journal an even more intimate feel.

Client: Antieris Johnson, Growth, Not Perfection, LLC
Credits: Benz Armstrong, illustrator