A blue video graphic with large white text "CAS Campus Connections" and a description of the information sessions that were recorded and uploaded to YouTube

In my time working for the University of Baltimore’s Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences, I have assisted the college and the admissions departments by creating visual designs for college and admissions events, including designs for email invitations and print promotional materials.

The Design@UB postcard went out in November 2019 to encourage graduates of the M.A. and M.F.A. in Integrated Design programs (the M.A. was formerly named the M.A. in Publications Design) to encourage them to sign up for a course to build additional skills as the programs and courses had recently been updated. The campaign revolved around the idea that former students may want to take a course for themselves or they may have a coworker or designer friend who might be a good fit for a master’s degree. In either case, the postcard provides a code to apply to the program without having to pay the application fee.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Yasmin Perkins, the graduate admissions counselor for the college and Dean Christine Spencer teamed up to work to ensure that students still felt connected to the college and the university. For that, they hosted virtual events with the dean, including welcome sessions and the CAS Campus Connections series where staff from other campus offices speak directly with students to allow them to know about the support resources on campus. We recorded the sessions, and I cut them down into manageable videos with music, transitions, and titles I designed.


© Jen Kristen Taylor // March 2022